Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moving Out

I am moving out officially!

It's been a long while since I updated my blog. To me, blog is the only omnipresent-available, rather secure and permanent online diary where every milestones of my life are recorded. It marks one's history, allows self-reflections and thoughts. A nostalgia and intriguer when you look back to what you used to amazingly do.

Back to the topic, and yes, I'm unmistakably gaining full-pledged independence. Seems kind of late for in my 20s. Caucasians start their new life at the age of 18. 

Rented a shared room near my workplace (upper changi)! Which was terribly far from my home, and I meant horror. Estimated 2 hours+ MRT + bus ride each time. Which rounds up to 4 hours reluctantly spent on solely commuting and squeezing among the million population in the cramp jam cabin. You know how painful is that. Having to stand throughout the whole journey is something I could never imagine and given that it was already the fastest route.

Well, money is the common factor taken into consideration by many. In my opinion, there are intangible factors that weigh far more than money - that is, TIME. The second ticks, waiting for no one. The far most important thing money can't buy.

2 hours standing on the ride strained us out. Given the cramped condition, it is hard to getting your phone out to read given how time-efficient you want to. Not only that, each day I would have to wake up at least an hour earlier (5.30 a.m.) to put on full makeup and hairdo. Madness. Moving out, I gained 3 hours/day and can utilize it to the fullest.

Next, SLEEP. Quality rest is crucial for good physical status. An hour less of sleep than the standard duration means one less unit of energy and alertness to strive in your workplace. Moreover, getting the most out of the 4 months of intensive training is paramount to the foundation of your working performance later. Something I couldn't afford to neglect.

Of course, while lightening my burden of fatigue and unnecessary time consumption, there are trade-offs. My family, good friends who dwell in the west, and my queen size bed, my lavender room that I love like gem.

Nevertheless, I will always return on weekends! So then... :)

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